Wearable blanket hoodie keeps you warm&cozy while you are lounging, watching TV, reading, enjoying sporting events etc. The oversized hoodie is suitable for outdoor activities. This oversized sweatshirt is soft&comfortable. You can pull your legs into the plush blanket hoodie easily to cover yourself completely. This oversized sweatshirt sleeves can be slipped over the hands to keep warm. You can move around freely while wearing blanket hoodie wherever you go
Main ingredients: polyester
Color: a variety of options
Features: Fashionable, non-fading, sun-proof, breathable
Packing method: roll
UNIQUE DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: The comfy throw blanket has an amazing flamingo-glow-in-the-dark design which will surprise you, especially the kids. The cozy blanket measures by 40″ x 60″ which is convenient to take outdoors and is portable for trips.
300 GSM FLANNEL FLEECE BLANKET – Our elegantly designed, top-notch quality Flannel Fleece blanket is available in Queen size measuring 90 by 90 inches; the attractive Grey color adds to its luxurious looks
Cha bhith dòighean clò-bhualaidh fhlùraichean didseatach 3D de chàileachd àrd, peantadh fhlùraichean eireachdail agus eireachdail a’ seargadh gu bràth, is toil le pàisdean ùra a bhith a’ cadal am broinn na mara fhlùraichean.
DEARADH SÒNRAICHTE: Brat-bog ultra bog Walensee le dà thaobh le aghaidh flannel 280GSM agus cùl 220GSM Plush Sherpa a ’tabhann diofar fhaireachdainnean bog dhut gus do chadal adhartachadh le aon taobh de rèidh agus siùbhlach chun taobh eile.Air a dhèanamh bho stuthan tiugh is càileachd as àirde.Thèid am plaide tilgeil seo nas fhaide na na bha dùil agad, no neach-faighinn tiodhlac agus bheir e dhut bog agus blàths mu dheireadh.
【Soft Elephant Lovey】: Faodaidh plaide tèarainteachd an ailbhein cuideachadh le leanabh tuiteam air ais gu cadal gu sgiobalta no faireachdainn sàbhailte ge bith càite a bheil iad
Feartan agus Seasmhachd - Tha plaide rùsg Hokly air leth bog agus gun samhail a ghabhas tionndadh a-rithist a’ dèanamh d’ eòlas cleachdaidh iongantach - Microfiber na aodach teicnigeach adhartach a nì plaide nas seasmhaiche - ceangail stitch eireachdail Dèan am plaide nas clasaiche - bidh dealbhadh anti-statach a’ brosnachadh cleachdadh eòlas
Stuth càileachd: Bidh sinn a’ taghadh stuthan a tha càirdeil don àrainneachd agus sàbhailte nach dèan cron air craiceann do phàisde.Tha aodach flannel càirdeil don chraiceann agus bog.
Stuth: Air a dhèanamh de stuth flannel àrd-inbhe, aotrom, blàth, breathable, super bog, sìoda agus seasmhach
COMFORT ULTRA - Thoir blàths eireachdail le Angel Throw Wrap rèidh sìoda le dà phòcaid agus trim Sherpa.