GENTLE MATERIAL USED – Our minky baby blanket is made from 100% premium plush ployester fabric, not only super soft and comfortable, but also lightweight and easy to use. Enough warm but not too hot, so that create a warm environment for your little one after a shower or it’s time to bed, keep your child stay warm throughout all the time.
Super Soft, Cute & Cozy: Our fleece blanket is made of high-quality polyester. It is warm, breathable, & delicate, which makes it ultra-cuddly for babies with sensitive skin. This throw blanket is great for all seasons, including winter & summer
plaide mionc bog comhfhurtail, comhfhurtail le taic sherpa
Air a dhèanamh le 100% polyester / Meud 30 × 40 òirleach
Tha an seata a’ toirt a-steach plaide tèarainteachd agus plaide plush Air a dhèanamh le aodach 100% comhfhurtail plush / plaide 30 × 36 òirleach agus plaide tèarainteachd 14 × 14 òirleach
Softness LUXURIOUS - Dèan comhfhurtachd don fhear bheag agad le cho bog sa tha ar plaide swaddle!Tha an còmhdach swaddling pàisde seo air a dhèanamh le aodach àrd-inbhe, stuth bog cashmere a dh ’fhàsas nas buige le cleachdadh làitheil!
Aghaidh is cùl: Sherpa / chenille 100% a bharrachd bog agus socair le trim 1 ″.Meud mòr aig 30 x 35 òirleach
MOON AND STARS BABY SHOWER GIFTS FOR BOYS: Tha am plaide clach-mhìle pàisde gealach is rionnagan seo na stuth gun samhail airson pàisde ùr-bhreith agus tiodhlac màthair airson a’ chiad uair gus an dèanamh gun samhail.Cum sùil air an fhàs aca sa chiad bhliadhna.Tha am plaide nighean pàisde seo sgoinneil airson sgrùdadh clàr pàisde